If you do not see a folder icon in the Web of Science first make sure Zotero is installed and properly working:
- Test to see if Zotero is working properly.
- Do a search from the library home page. The folder icon should appear when you are at the results list.
- If it is not working, make sure the Chrome connector is installed.
- Restart Chrome.
- Make sure Zotero Standalone is installed and open (remember: you must have Zotero Standalone installed and open when you are using Chrome).
Zotero works best with Firefox and it appears that saving citations from the results list page in Web of Science when using Chrome on a PC requires you to export/import citations because the "folder" icon does not appear. If you go into the detail record, the paper icon, for saving an individual item, will appear.
To use the export/import to Zotero option:
- Select the citations you want to save in the result list.
- In the drop down at the top of the result list (Save to Endnote Online) select "Save to Other File Formats."
- Follow the on-screen prompts and you will save an "exported" file to your desktop.
- In Zotero, go to the "gear" icon. Select "import" and browse for your downloaded file.
- Once imported, citations will appear in a new folder in Zotero.
- "Drag and drop" to move your citations to other folders.